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Jul 27, 2023
ARIScience named a finalist in the US government's global AI challenge to reliably predict at risk pediatric COVID-19 patients
The paper resulting from the "New COVID-19 Variants - Post Challenge Analysis" challenge was accepted and will soon be published by the Cambridge University Press Journal of Clinical and Translational Science
Nov 17, 2022
ARIScience furthers research on COVID-19's impact on diabetic patients
ARIScience's research on COVID-19's impact on diabetic patients reveals statistically significant associations between metformin use and less severe outcomes from COVID-19 compared to SU use, but not compared to DPP4i use.
Jul 31, 2022
ARIScience Collaboration on SARS-CoV-2 Research
ARIScience and University of North Dakota signed a research collaboration agreement on the use of the UND Computational Research Center’s (UND CRC) high performance computing (HPC) system to further ARIScience’s SARS-CoV-2 protein interruption research.